Student Onboarding and Success. (formerly Admissions)

Placement Testing


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院管理NROC分班考试. 只有符合以下条件的学生才可以参加分班考试:

  • Graduated high school more than 10 years ago
  • Graduated from high school outside of the United States
  • 在2013年或之前完成GED或高中同等学历(2014年至今完成GED或高中同等学历-你可能不需要分班考试)

不符合所列任何标准的学生将被安排在他们所选学术课程的初始(必修)英语和数学课程中, 英语和数学入门课程,辅修课程(辅助课程), or a English and Math Transition Course. 这个排名是基于学生从高中开始的累计未加权GPA:

  • 2.8 or higher = Initial (required) English and Math courses
  • 2.2-2.799 =初级(必修)英语和数学,外加一门辅修课程
  • 2.199 and below = Transition English or Transition Math


  • Submitting satisfactory SAT, ACT, or NCDAP scores. 这些考试成绩必须由考试服务中心正式发送. Minimum acceptable scores are listed below.

    SAT Math – 530

    SAT Reading & Writing – 480

    ACT Math – 22

    ACT English – 18

    ACT Reading – 22

    NCDAP English Composite – 151

    NCDAP Math DMA-010-060 – 7

  • 提交正式的大学成绩单,证明适当的英语和数学课程允许豁免. 当我们学院从获得学分的机构收到密封信封时,成绩单就是正式的.

Scheduling a Placement Test


  • Lee Main Campus
    • (919) 718-7502
    • Bell Welcome Center (Building #8)
  • Harnett Main Campus
    • (910) 814-8863
    • Miriello Building (Building #33), Student Services Suite
  • Chatham Main Campus
    • (919) 545-8029
    • Building 42, Room #202

Placement Test Request Form

Have you been approved to test? If so, create a username and password at our testing website in preparation for your test

Testing Policies

  • You should arrive 15 minutes before the start of testing. If you arrive late, you will need to reschedule.
  • A photo ID must be presented prior to testing.
  • 不得将食物、饮料、口香糖或止咳药水带入考场.
  • Pencils and scrap paper will be provided.
  • Calculators will be provided for Math Placement Test.
  • No portion of the test is timed. However, each section should take around one hour.
  • All questions are multiple choice.
  • 学生作为推荐正规买球平台的学生总共可以参加两次考试.
  • 在学生同意的情况下,分班成绩可以转移到其他学院.


需要住宿的学生应联系学生无障碍服务办公室,电话:(919)718-7416或电子邮件至 在测试之前完成制定住宿计划的过程. 一旦住宿计划到位,请致电安排您的测试.

Preparing for your Placement Test: Study Topics

RISE Placement Test Study Guide

English Tier 1
  • Grammar
  • Identifying main ideas
  • Discerning implied meaning
  • Interpreting bias
  • Analysis through definition
  • Learning across discipline

English Tier 2
  • Exploring comparative elements
  • Informed opinions through causal chains
  • Applied critical analysis
  • Using sources in critical reading and writing

Math Tier 1
  • Whole Numbers
  • Fractions and mixed numbers
  • Decimals
  • Ratio, rates and proportions
  • Percents
  • Measurements
  • Geometry
  • Real numbers

Math Tier 2
  • Concepts in statistics
  • Solving equations and inequalities
  • Exponents and polynomials
  • Graphing

Math Tier 3
  • Factoring
  • Systems of equations and inequalities
  • Rational expressions
  • Radical expressions and quadratic equations
  • Functions

Practice Tests

English Practice Test

Math Practice Test

English and Math Placement Tool

Placement Test Scores Release Form

填写以下表格并提交给学生入职和成功办公室(以前的招生办公室) 或在我们三个主校区的任何一个学生入职和成功办公室(以前的招生办公室).

Placement Test Scores Release Form

Contact Us

  • Chatham Main Campus - (919) 545-8029
  • Harnett Main Campus - (910) 814-8863
  • Lee Main Campus - (919) 718-7502

Frequently Asked Questions

推荐正规买球平台 administers the NROC placement test, 这是一项针对北卡罗来纳社区学院系统的定制考试. The NROC placement test is a computerized test.
Do we accept scores from other tests?
Yes, we accept the SAT, ACT, NCDAP, or Accuplacer scores. 考试成绩必须由考试服务中心正式发送. 您的教育导航员将与您一起审查分数,以确定它们是否符合您学术课程的英语和/或数学基准分数.
How much does it cost to take the placement test?
No, we only administer the NROC to our students.
In what areas will I be tested?
NROC分班考试包括英语部分和数学部分. All questions are multiple choice.
The NROC placement test is untimed. 然而,每个部分可能需要大约一个小时才能完成.
Where can I take the placement test?
  • 李美校区:请联系(919)718-7502安排测试预约.
  • 查塔姆主校区:请联系(919)545-8029安排测试预约.
  • 哈尼特主校区:请联系(910)814-8863安排测试预约.
What items do I need to bring to take the test?
考试是在电脑上进行的,所以你不需要任何铅笔或纸. You are required to bring a picture ID in order to test. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled test time.
Can I use a calculator on the placement test?
Yes. 我们将为分班考试的数学部分提供计算器.
What score do I need to achieve on the placement test?
When will I receive the results of the placement test?
分数在分班考试完成后计算. 您将在考试后立即收到成绩.
Can I take the placement test more than once?
Yes. 学生在推荐正规买球平台学习期间可以参加两次分班考试.
Do my test scores expire?
根据考试政策,你的考试成绩将在十年后失效. 请注意,其他学院可能对考试成绩的可接受时间长短有不同的政策.
你需要在分班考试网站上填写分班考试成绩发布表. 签名的表格可以邮寄、传真或通过电子邮件发送给学院. 请预留2个工作日处理您的请求.
请联系学生无障碍服务协调员,电话:(919)718-7416,以确定学生无障碍服务办公室. 一旦你被确认并提供了适当的残疾证明文件, 我们可以为你在NROC分班测试中提供帮助.
参加分班考试时,学生不得在学校或考场内. 请在考试前为您的孩子做好适当的安排.